Centrale Méditerranée

About Centrale Méditerranée
Centrale Méditerranée trains engineers with a sense of responsibility, high scientific standards, strong values and the ability to manage complexity. They are capable of integration and synthesis, creativity and innovation, with a solid international culture and the ability to undertake, share and manage programmes.

What sets Centralien engineers apart is their ability to take action in companies and organisations to meet the environmental and societal challenges of our time, by finding systemic solutions to mitigate climate change, preserve ecosystems and adapt to these challenges. As a result, from the very first weeks, each student builds a tailor-made pathway, thanks to an unprecedented rhythm that alternates academic teaching with immersive weeks in professional environments, enabling learning through experience.

Based on a skills-based approach, designed in conjunction with the Centrale Group and implemented in a unique way at our school, our curriculum allows for greater personalisation through a very wide range of choices, so that each vocation can be forged in a caring environment, enabling students to become the authors of their own career path. The integrative sandwich course offered to students ensures that they are enriched in every way, thanks to the combination of scientific and professional aspects. All engineering students benefit from a learning-by-doing approach that aims to help them gradually discover professional environments and methods, in a collaborative context.



The 8 research laboratories affiliated to Centrale Méditerranée offer work-study opportunities, such as internships, projects and PhD opportunities.


TUD students opting for a double degree programme at Centrale Méditerranée will spend two years here within the engineering programme.

Year 1 - Semesters 5 and 6

Students consolidate their knowledge of fundamental scientific disciplines, as well as languages, international cultures and economics.

They also develop their interpersonal and organizational skills, stimulate their creativity and sharpen their ability to work as part of a team.

Year 2 - Semester 7

Students complete their knowledge by discovering new disciplinary fields and deepening fundamental knowledge, through a vast range of options.

This marks a strong personalization of the curriculum, reinforced during subsequent semesters.

Year 2 - Semester 8

Students choose one of the 5 thematic tracks offered at the school:
  • Bioengineering
  • Dynamics, mutation and crises
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Environment: management and technologies
  • Information sciences and digital society
This semester is completed by a 2-month internship.

► Learn more: https://www.centrale-mediterranee.fr/en/node/3672
Student Life

Student clubs are part of the student experience: International Students, Engineers without Borders, Sports & Sailing, Arts, Fablab Marseille, Ginfo (computer), E-Gab (robotics) among others. In addition, the calanques, the Étoile massif, the Sainte-Baume and the sea offer an idyllic setting for hiking, kayaking, sailing, trail running, climbing, diving...


Published on January 8, 2024 Updated on April 12, 2024